Thanks to Derrick Zellmann Photography, there is a picture to prove people actually came to my second class at Hallmark Institute of Photography.
Last post about teaching, showed an empty classroom so Derrick was sweet enough to stop by my August class and get this killer shot. Thank you, Derrick!
For inspiration, I highly recommend that you check out Derrick’s portraits on location. All of his work is great yet I really like his portraits and I LOVE the firemen shots {of course I do}.
The class was a three hour block of time and we covered what it looks like to work for other photographer’s vs. owning your own business. The day to day of a wedding photography business and what you need to get started. It was a great class and I’m looking forward to seeing them again in September. This is a snapshot of what the week I visited looked like for the students.
If you are a current student and you have questions, please feel free to send them my way : and they may just show up in the next class.
Thanks for having me Hallmark!
xoxo . . .