On Friday, February 7, 2014 Dean’sSweets hosted a First Friday event, Love&Chocolate. Kristin and Dean Bingham, owners of Dean’sSweets offered a chocolate tasting of their truffles and sips of super delicious – made my Dean – hot chocolate and I shared photographs of love. It was a total blast! I’m so glad I took a few pictures prior to 5pm because once we started we were solidly packed for the evening.
Valentine’s Day is a very busy time for Dean’sSweets so Dean was busy making truffles as the event started. I’ve learned that the work of a chocolatier is never done and to see how the process of making their product from start to finish is incredible. And Dean does it with a smile.
I intermixed my photography with their chocolate throughout the shop.
Kristin and I worked together to share the event and what we found is that the most popular way people had heard about the event was the NEWSPAPER. It wasn’t Facebook, Twitter or either of our newsletters, it was the ol’fashioned {forgive me} newspaper. Oh, that was so eye opening so AWESOME! Thanks to Kristin for sending in the press release to the Portland Press Herald, we met a lot of new faces.
This sweet woman even brought a cut out of the event from the GO section.
Sarah Lapine of Watershed Floral Designs donated flowers for the event. THANK YOU SARAH! It felt like a touch of spring!
Our First Friday Art Walk was a success! So much fun collaborating with Kristin and Dean and thrilled that they wanted to showcase my photography. Some of the photographs will be on display until Valentines Day. Stop by, say hi and check out the newly debuted gift boxes perfect for Cupid Day gifts.
Ummmm . . . YUM! Who wouldn’t LOVE this gift?
Thank you so much Kristin and Dean for having me be a part of this event with you and for all the friends and new friends who came out to enjoy the evening with us.
xoxo . . .