There are some strong opinions out there about watermarking images. Some people feel like watermarks take away from a picture, but often, photographers use it to protect their work from being stolen.
I am a big proponent of watermarking images. I believe it is not only a way to secure my images, but it is also a way for people to find me if they like my work.
I had a situation go down recently, which was only reinforced because I watermark my images. Never, in my wildest dreams, did I imagine that watermarking could prevent this…
A while back, I had the absolute pleasure of photographing one of my client’s puppies, Lola, for a special puppy portrait session. The pictures turned out fabulous and it’s a session I’m very proud of.
Recently I received a message on Instagram from a stranger who had seen one of my photographs on a UK dog seller’s profile.
The seller had used photos of their dog, as well as my client’s, to advertise for a french bulldog. As I pointed out: it was like catfishing for dogs!
The only reason the woman found me was because I had a watermark on the image. If I hadn’t watermarked that photo, the seller would still be using my image to lie about the dogs he or she was selling.
As I mentioned above, image theft is only one of the reasons watermarking your photos is a good idea. I had someone email me asking what a non-professional could do to watermark their images.
Here’s a quick breakdown.
There are several softwares that you can use to watermark your photos. The most common one is Adobe Photoshop.
All you have to do is:
1. Copy the image (because you don’t want a watermark on the original)
2. Add a line of text with your information, a special design, or a copyright onto a section of the photo in a grey color
3. Save your creation.
There are some softwares that are designed specifically for watermarking, such as, and, which will actually track the use of your photo on the internet. If you aren’t as confident in Photoshop, these apps might be a good idea.
I also found this great resource that goes into more detail about watermarking your photos.
Something just as important to note is the different methods for purchasing puppies, something that anyone who knows me, knows I am very passionate about.
Because of the internet, getting dogs has become much easier, but as you saw above, lying and cheating has also become a problem. Considerations for the City Dog shared my story with some tips on acquiring pets in this new age.
Their advice?
Never buy a dog sight unseen.
Never have a dog shipped to you without meeting it first, and make sure it travels with you.
Never take someone else’s word that they are reputable – look for yourself.
Always do a google search and check Better Business Bureau.
I hope this post has been both enlightening and informative for both photographers and pet enthusiasts alike. Let’s hope this never happens again!